COVID-19 Vaccines

We have both formulations of the Pfizer vaccine available - for 12 years and up and also for 5-11 years. This includes doses of the Pfizer vaccine for booster/3rd doses, which are now recommended for every on 18 years and older, 6 months after their second dose. We will vaccinate anyone who needs it - they do not have to be a patient of Mesquite Pediatrics. Click the appropriate link below to schedule.

We are not offering the Moderna vaccine at this time.

Below is more information about the vaccine (that you will also receive when you come for your vaccine).

  • Vaccine Recipient Fact Sheet - contains information about the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and about it's Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the FDA.
  • V-Safe Information - information about a vaccine side effect tracking program run by the CDC to help increase our knowledge of side effects of the vaccine. Enrollment in the program is recommended but not required.

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