What To Expect During Vision and Hearing Screenings

What To Expect Durning Vision and Hearing Screenings

If you as an adult wear glasses or contacts, you very likely remember the first time you wore them as a kid, and how clear the world suddenly seemed. Prior to glasses, it didn't seem strange at all to need to sit in the front to read the board in school or for faces to be a little blurry. So you know how difficult it can be for a child to even notice that they are not seeing as clearly as they should, and the same can usually be said about hearing issues. It's why vision and hearing screenings are so important and why your Tucson, AZ, pediatrician can perform these as part of your child's regular checkup. Learn more by reading below and by reaching out to Dr. Jeff Couchman, Dr. Susan McMahon, and Dr. Nicole Abdy of Mesquite Pediatrics.

What to Expect

Yearly checkups with their pediatrician, or well-child visits as they're commonly known, help to track your child's development and to spot any potential issues early, as is the case with vision and hearing screenings.

These screenings typically take place during your child's checkup, but you can talk with your pediatrician about scheduling these early if you suspect a problem with your child's vision or hearing.

A checkup involves a physical exam and an overview of your child's vitals.  Their eyes and ears are also evaluated at select ages starting at 9 months of age.

For vision, your child views a chart with letters or pictures in a vision screener that simulates both near and far vision. The vision is checked with each eye individually and then with both together. For children who cannot participate (babies or those who are disabled), we have a screener that reads the child’s vision automatically without the need for them to read letters or identify pictures.

The hearing screening typically involves your child wearing headphones, and they'll be asked to raise their hand whenever they hear a tone.

Babies can also have their hearing checked in a similar way, with tones being played while they are quiet and still and the screener can detect if the tones are heard. 

Vision and Hearing Screenings in Tucson, AZ

If there is an issue with either your child's vision or hearing they will then be referred to either an ophthalmologist, optometrist or an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor for further screenings and treatment.

If you're concerned about your child's vision or hearing, schedule a visit today with Dr. Couchman, Dr. McMahon, or Dr. Abdy of Mesquite Pediatrics in Tucson, AZ, by dialing (520) 648-5437.

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