The Importance of Newborn Care

Newborn babies are fragile. Their immune systems are fragile too. That means you need to take special care of your newborn, and our pediatricians can help. Dr. Jeff Couchman, Dr. Susan McMahon, and Dr. Nicole Abdy at Mesquite Pediatrics in Tucson, AZ, offer comprehensive pediatric treatment, including newborn care.

What You Need to Know About Newborn Care

Newborn care is important. You want your newborn to thrive, grow, and develop. Newborn care from your pediatrician can help ensure your newborn stays healthy. Consider that when your baby has a newborn visit, your pediatrician will:

  • Administer the first and subsequent doses of vaccines to protect against contagious, serious illnesses and diseases
  • Measure and monitor your baby’s growth and development, to ensure your newborn is growing and developing normally
  • Discuss newborn care with you, so you will know how to care for your newborn between visits

Remember these helpful tips when caring for your newborn:

Feed your newborn every 2 to 3 hours if you are breastfeeding. If your newborn is on formula, your newborn should feed every 3 to 4 hours.

Let your newborn sleep most of the day, or at least 16 hours in the first weeks.

Bathe your newborn with mild soap and lukewarm water. Thoroughly clean the folds of the skin to remove bacteria. Be careful not to bathe your baby too often to avoid drying out your baby’s skin.

Try to sleep when your newborn sleeps, so you can be rested to care for your newborn.

Go for walks outside with your newborn. It’s good for you and your baby.

Talk with Our Pediatricians Today

To learn more about the importance of newborn care and how our pediatricians can help, call Dr. Couchman, Dr. McMahon, or Dr. Abdy at Mesquite Pediatrics in Tucson, AZ. You can reach them in the office by calling (520) 648-5437, so call today.

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